I did a quick photo shoot with my beautiful Girlfriend a while ago. I setup a small studio in my buddy's basement for a shoot for a couple of clients who wanted to get some headshots. (Thanks AMIR!) After my shoot, I told me lovely and beautiful GF to pose for me since it's been awhile since I photographed her. Here are some of the photos I really liked from our quick shoot! :)
My brother is getting married on May 7, 2011 in the Philippines. And his fiancée is visiting here in Halifax for a short time. I volunteered to shoot their engagement / pre-nup photos here in canada. Good thing that last night it started to snow and we took advantage of it. I'm just posting a few photos from last night! Hope you enjoy the photos and let me know if you like it! :)
So I decided I wanted to joing the Stutz Cider Photo contest. I gathered my gf, brother, my bro's fiance and another friend. We had a blast! Hopefully I'll win the contest! Let me know your opinions on what photo I should enter. I need 3 entries. so here are the photos! :)
I attended the 3rd Annual Halloween Photo shoot for HPS last night, Nov. 6, 2010. Went to Aperture Studios at 1657 Barrington St. at around 2:30pm to Help out to carry some equipments to khyber building, but unfortunately we weren't able to go the the location early bec. the building was closed. We arrived at Khyber bldg. around 4:30pm already.
At first I really didn't know what to do or how to shoot with models. I watched other photographers setup their equipments and how they instruct the models how to pose. It was fun to watch since I'm not doing it. After watching different photographers for awhile, I setup my self with one AB800 with umbrella. At first it was a tough one because I have no idea on how to pose the model, but after awhile of shooting her, we were able to get some nice poses and shots.
It was a fun experience being able to go shoot some models with fellow local photographers. Learning from more experienced photographers really helped me how to shoot with this kind of photo shoot. It also challenged my creativity and my knowledge with lighting. I would say that I've gained another experience from this shoot.
It somehow disappointed me because the real plan was to have make up artists to do some crazy makeups to really bring a Halloween theme to the shoot. But unfortunately, a lot of them backed out in the morning and thus not having some make up done like they had last year. But it didn't stop us from having a great night of shooting
without further ado, here's the images from last night's shoot! :) enjoy!